Saturday, April 3, 2010


Forgot to blog yesterday! I kept putting it off and then before I knew it I had skipped a day. Oh well!

I've come to realize that there are sleepy days even in France, but if I need a topic to blog about, the one subject I will always be able to depend on is FOOD. Case in point:

Katie, Candy and Valerie and I met up for lunch yesterday. Crepes. But why eat real lunch crepes when you can eat BETTER crepes, right?

And the "maison chocolate" crepe, which I got, is filled with dark chocolate, and is AMAZING. Then we went to Carrefour to prepare for our Easter Chocolate picnic tomorrow. Pictures will be posted after we've unwrapped our FOOT-TALL CHOCOLATE EASTER EGG.


  1. Hi Amelia! It's Olga.

    I want that crepe soooo bad. You have no idea.

  2. I can REALLY taste that crepe, WOW, it was great. Thanks. A little chocolate easter egg would have topped it off, perfectly!
